Orthodox Christianity Volumes 1-5 by Metropolitian Hilarion Alfeyev – Buy set at discount or one each – Theological Studies – Church History – Book
Orthodox Christianity Volume I: The History and Canonical Structure of the Orthodox Church
This is the first volume of a detailed and systematic exposition of the history, canonical structure, doctrine, moral and social teaching, liturgical services, and spiritual life of the Orthodox Church. The purpose of this series is to present Orthodox Christianity as an integrated theological and liturgical system, in which all elements are interconnected. Theology is based on liturgical experience, and church art—including icons, singing, and architecture—is shaped by theology and the liturgy. Theology and the services, in their turn, influence the ascetic practice and the personal piety of each Christian; they shape the moral and social teaching of the Church as well as its relation to other Christian confessions, non-Christian religions, and the secular world.
This volume begins with an account of the historical arc of the Orthodox Church during the first ten centuries after Christ’s nativity, when the Christians of the east and west shared a common history. In examining the second millennium, the author, a hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, delves deeply into the life of Christianity in Russia, providing a case study, as it were, of how Orthodoxy can infuse the literature, art, and philosophy of an entire culture. He then goes on to discuss the canonical structure of the Orthodox Church, describing the emergence and development of diocesan structures, metropolias, and patriarchates, as well as the contemporary structure of world Orthodoxy and the principle of “canonical territory,” which forms the basis of inter-Orthodox relations. 350 pages Paperback
About the Author: Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) has authored numerous works on theology and church history, and is an internationally recognized composer of liturgical music. In the words of Patriarch Alexei II of blessed memory, “his many years of service to the mother church, his rich creative activity, and his broad perspective enable him to present the tradition of the Orthodox Church in all its diversity.”
Foreword by His Holiness Alexei II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia
Translated from the Russian by Basil Bush
Orthodox Christianity Volume II : Doctrine and Teaching of the Orthodox Church
The first volume provided an account of the historical arc of the Orthodox Church during the first ten centuries after Christ’s nativity, then examined the canonical structure of the Orthodox Church. This volume examines the sources of Orthodox doctrine in Scripture and Tradition; its teaching on God in Trinity and Unity, in his essence and in his energies; on the world and man; on Jesus Christ, the incarnate God; on the Church, the body of Christ; on the Theotokos, Mary; and on eschatology, the last things. 597 pages Paperback
Orthodox Christianity Volume III: The Architecture, Icons and Music of the Orthodox Church
This third volume delves into the unique aspects of Orthodox art as expressed in its architecture, icons, and liturgical music. This includes a detailed examination of the theology of icons and their historical use by the Church through the centuries. The last section traces the importance and liturgical function of music as it developed in both Byzantine and Slavic Orthodoxy. 370 pages Paperback
Orthodox Christianity Volume IV: The Worship and Liturgical Life of the Orthodox Church
In Volume Four the history, structure, and meaning of the Church’s liturgical services—including the daily, weekly, yearly, and festal cycles—are explored and explained. Both beginners and experts can benefit from this thorough examination of Orthodox worship and liturgical life. In the services of the Church, heaven and earth meet. As St Vladimir’s envoys to Constantinople said, “We knew not whether we were in heaven or earth…. We only know that God dwells among men. We cannot forget that beauty.”
382 pages Paperback
Orthodox Christianity, Volume V: Sacraments and Other Rites
This fifth and final volume is dedicated to the mysteries (or sacraments) of the Orthodox Church—baptism, chrismation, the Eucharist, confession, ordination, unction, and marriage—in addition to the services of monastic tonsure, Christian burial, the blessing of water, and the consecration of a church building, which were also regarded as mysteries by some of the fathers of the Church. Finally, this volume explains the remaining non-sacramental church services or rites that fall outside the daily, weekly, and annual liturgical cycle, such as molebens and akathists, and various blessings for people, objects, and occasions. 300 pages Paperback